

  Wow! February has arrived!   We will be celebrating I Love to Read Month and Catholic School’s week this month with lots of fun activities and events! In Language Arts we are continuing with our weekly spelling, phonics, reading comprehension and journal writing.   We have also been learning about the difference between a proper noun and noun, what a verb is, and how to write words in alphabetical order.   In Math we finished up our place value unit and we also finished a short mental math unit where students learned different strategies to add and subtract numbers quickly and accurately in their heads.   We will now learn to add and subtract 3 digit by 3 digit numbers with the regrouping strategy.   In Science, we will be wrapping up our unit on plants and starting our next unit on Materials and Structures.   In Social Studies, we will be wrapping up our unit on Connecting with Canadians and starting our next unit on Exploring the World. I...


 January Happy New Year 2025! I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful Christmas break. This month we will be jumping right back into our learning. In Language Arts we will be continuing with our weekly spelling program. A reminder that homework is assigned on Monday and it is due on Thursday, and tests are on Friday. We will continue working in our grammar and phonics textbooks, writing in our journals and working on both our oral and silent reading comprehension. In Math, we will be starting with a short unit on place value. We will then begin a unit on Addition and Subtraction with regrouping. This can be a difficult concept for some students so extra practise sheets may be sent home for homework. Please check your child’s agenda daily for homework assignments. In Science, we will finish up our unit on Growth and Changes in Plants. We will investigate how humans use plants (jobs, medicines, food, etc.) and how plants and animals depend on each other to survive in the environm...


  Wow! It’s hard to believe we are already in the month of December.   We have been busily preparing for the Christmas Concert and the kids are so excited to share it with their families.   Although it is a very busy time of year, we are still doing a lot of learning in the classroom.   In Language Arts, we are working on reading comprehension, phonics and grammar within our writing.   We are writing in our Journals every week and we will be working on different Christmas writing projects throughout the month.   We will be continuing with our weekly spelling program as well.   In Math we are working on our skip counting to 100 by 3’s and 4’s.   We are also working on our skip counting to 1000 by 5’s, 10’s, 25’s and 100’s.   We are also continuing to practise our addition and subtraction facts to 18 for quicker recall and accuracy.   In Science we are continuing our unit about Growth and Changes in Plants.   The students enjo...


  November It was great to speak with all of the families at student-led conferences.   The students were very proud of the work they put into their portfolios and were very excited to take them home and share them with their family.    November is a time of remembrance and peace.   The grade three students have been learning about Remembrance Day and we took part in the Remembrance Day ceremony on Thursday, November 7 th .   In Language Arts, we have been focusing on our reading, writing and spelling.   We have been writing in our journals, working in our phonics and spelling text books and writing summaries and reviews of stories we are reading in class.   The students are working on adding detail to their writing to make it more interesting and re-reading our work to make sure it makes sense.    In Math, we are beginning our next unit on Place Value.   We will learn expanded form, base ten blocks and written form for numb...


    Welcome back everyone!   I hope you all had a wonderful summer!   The first few days have been busy getting back into a routine, getting to know our classmates, learning our new responsibilities, coming up with our class rules, and having fun with our back to school Popsicle Theme.   Feel free to contact me at the school if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child.  You may also communicate through your child’s agenda as I will be checking them daily and asking parents to sign them every day as well. Some important dates to remember: ·          *   Picture Day – Tuesday, September 17 th ·          *  Meet the Teacher on – Tuesday, September 17 th from 6:30-7:45pm ·          *  NUT Day wear Orange – Monday, September 23 rd – Thursday, September 26 th ·         *  Nut Day/Activity Day wear your team colou...

March and April

  Happy Easter! Happy Spring!  Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!  March was a pretty busy month for the Grade 3s. The Grade 3s are all working so hard especially this term. It is the last term to master everything what we need to learn this year. This month the Grade 3s learned a lot.  April is another busy month for us all. There is so much to do and learn. We also have a learning fair to prepare.  In Religion, we learned about the season of Lent. Lent is the time to look closely at ourselves, our relationships with ourselves, with others and of course with God. We are always asked to be good. We are called to be good, in mind, heart and body. In everything we think, we say and most especially on what we do. We are going to continue learning about Easter and the Church and about Christ love for us all.  In Spelling, they are learning pretty big and challenging words and they are getting better each day.  In Language Arts, they are learning more pa...

January / February 2024

  Happy New Year everyone!  Goodbye 2023! Welcome 2023! The year 2023 just went by so fast. I can still remember when I wrote my September blog - the Grade 3's were just starting the routine in the Grade 3. The continuous work, the tests, printing practices, mad minutes, and all other stuff. Now, four months had passed and the students are still trying to master their routine and they know what are the expectations required from them. I can say that they are indeed trying their best and that is what matters most.  As the new year begins, there will be new lessons, new challenges and of course new expectations. And this year they were told that they need to work double time because in eight months time, they will be in Grade 4.  In ELA, we are doing a lot of dictionary skills, finding words in the dictionary. Its definition and how they are going to use the words in a sentence. Every time we get a chance and they encounter difficult words, the dictionary is their go-t...