

Happy New Year 2025! I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful Christmas break. This month we

will be jumping right back into our learning.

In Language Arts we will be continuing with our weekly spelling program. A reminder that homework is

assigned on Monday and it is due on Thursday, and tests are on Friday. We will continue working in our

grammar and phonics textbooks, writing in our journals and working on both our oral and silent reading


In Math, we will be starting with a short unit on place value. We will then begin a unit on Addition and

Subtraction with regrouping. This can be a difficult concept for some students so extra practise sheets

may be sent home for homework. Please check your child’s agenda daily for homework assignments.

In Science, we will finish up our unit on Growth and Changes in Plants. We will investigate how humans

use plants (jobs, medicines, food, etc.) and how plants and animals depend on each other to survive in

the environment.

In Social Studies, we will finish up our unit on Connecting with Canadians. We will look at ways of

solving conflict between groups and communities. We will also look at different ways of dealing with


Important dates to remember:

Tuesday, January 14 th – Mass and Early dismissal 2:25p.m.

Friday, January 31 st , - Winter Family Fun Dance 7:00p.m. – 10:00p.m.

Please continue to check your child’s agenda daily for important messages, homework and mail sent

home. Remember to dress warm and send extra socks and mitts for the days when ours get too wet to


Stay warm,

Mrs. Shade


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