Grade 3 Subjects

English Language Arts

    This subject enables each student to understand and appreciate language. Language proficiency generates confidence and competence in communicating in a variety of situations, as we are facilitating personal satisfaction and learning. 

    Students become confident and competent users of all six Language Arts through many opportunities to listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in a variety of communication. As listeners, speakers, readers, writers, and viewers. Students are actively involved in making meaning. All the Language Arts are interested and interdependent. 

    Listening and Speaking enables students to explore ideas and concepts as well as understand and organize their experiences and knowledge. They use oral language to learn, identify and solve problems and reach goals. They benefit from many opportunities to listen and speak both informally and formally for a variety of purpose. 

    Reading and Writing provide students with a means of accessing ideas, views, and experiences. Reading helps the students construct meaning and develop thoughtful and critical interpretations of a variety of texts. Writing enables students to explore, shape and clarify their thoughts, and to communicate them to others. By using reading and writing strategies, they discover and refine ideas. 


WE BELIEVE is the program being used this year. 

This program is rooted in Scripture:

  • Faithful to the Tradition of the Catholic Church 
  • Spirited by the General and National Directories for Catechesis
  • Centering on the Person of Jesus Christ 
  • Inviting relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • Supporting faith that is lived in the domestic church and the universal church. 
        The subject focuses on four main strands - patterns, statistics and probability, shape and space, and number. 

Social Studies 
    The Social Studies includes four clusters: 
Cluster 1: Connecting with Canadians 
Cluster 2: Exploring the World 
Cluster 3: Communities of the World 
Cluster 4: Exploring an Ancient Society 

    The Grade 3 students will develop scientific inquiry skills and attitudes as plan and conduct simple experiments. They will follow 4 Clusters: 
Cluster 1: Growth and Changes in Plants 
Cluster 2: Materials and Structures 
Cluster 3: Forces that Attract and Repel 
Cluster 4: Soils in the Environment 

    At the primary level contact with the French language should be a happy learning experience for the child. This program will introduce the child to the French basic vocabulary. 

    The Grade 3 Music program is a course of skill and concept development related to make, understand, feel and appreciate music. Students will experience music in many different ways such as creative movement, singing and drama. 

Physical Education 
    The Grade 3 students will demonstrate competency in selected movement skills; will develop safe and responsible behaviors; will develop self-understanding in order to make health-enhancing decisions; will help build positive relationships with others; and will learn the value of sportsmanship. 

    In this subject, they will be encourage to promote healthy personal habits and lifestyles. They will also identify ways to be active in their daily lives, alone or with family and friends. They will develop good personal healthy eating habits. And they will be familiar with different substances that could be useful and harmful. 


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