September News and Updates

     The first full week of school is already a busy week for the Grade 3 students. Here are the lessons that we have started learning: 

    In Religion, we started learning about Unit 1 - Jesus Gives Us the Church and started talking about the first chapter - God Sends Us His Own Son. We will also be learning about the following concepts - 

  • God the Son become one of us
  • Jesus grew Up in Nazareth 
  • Jesus begins His work 
  • Jesus shows us how to live as followers 
   In Spelling, we had our first Spelling Test. Spelling Pre-test is every Monday and the test is Friday. 

    In Language Arts, we are learning how to use the Dictionary. 

    In Math, we are continuously strengthening our knowledge about the two basic Operations Addition and Subtraction thru a variety of worksheets. We are making sure that we mastered our mental skills by answering timed activities. 

    In Science, we started learning about the Plants, Parts of the Plants and its Life Cycle. We will also focus on the characteristics and and needs of plants and its growth patterns. 

    In Social Studies, we started learning about Canada and Citizenship. , We are learning our Rights and Responsibilities as a Canadian Citizen.

    In French, we will be learning the basic concepts like days and months, colors, body parts, and greetings in French. 




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