

Wow! February has arrived!  We will be celebrating I Love to Read Month and Catholic School’s week this month with lots of fun activities and events!

In Language Arts we are continuing with our weekly spelling, phonics, reading comprehension and journal writing.  We have also been learning about the difference between a proper noun and noun, what a verb is, and how to write words in alphabetical order. 

In Math we finished up our place value unit and we also finished a short mental math unit where students learned different strategies to add and subtract numbers quickly and accurately in their heads.  We will now learn to add and subtract 3 digit by 3 digit numbers with the regrouping strategy. 

In Science, we will be wrapping up our unit on plants and starting our next unit on Materials and Structures. 

In Social Studies, we will be wrapping up our unit on Connecting with Canadians and starting our next unit on Exploring the World.

In Religion, we just finished learning about the Church’s calendar year and have started talking about the Four Marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.      

Important dates to remember:

·       Sunday, February 9th – School Mass – St. Gerard Church at 12:00pm All are

 welcome to attend. Please wear your school uniform.

·       Monday, February 10th – NUT day – Superhero day

·       Tuesday, February 11th – NUT day – Twins day

               – Family Lunch. Have lunch with the whole school community.

                                                        – Early dismissal 2:25pm.

·       Wednesday, February 12th  – NUT day – Opposites/ Backwards Day

·       Thursday, February 13th – NUT day – Number Day

·       Friday, February 14th – In Service – NO SCHOOL

·       Monday, February 17th – Louis Riel Day – NO SCHOOL

·       Tuesday, February 18th – NUT day – Comfy clothes

·       Monday, February 24th – Admin Day NO SCHOOL

·       Friday, February 28th – NUT day – Wear a t-shirt you can read

Please continue to check and sign your child’s agenda every night.

Thank you,

Mrs. Shade


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