October 2023

 The month of October has always been busy for the Grade 3. This is the month of our Provincial assessments in both Reading and Numeracy. 

We are still in the process of learning and making sure that the daily routine have been followed. But we want to make sure that we are practicing the routine, until everybody gets it correctly and properly. 

We have started doing some tests for each subject. It is very important for them to copy the dates written in their agenda for tests and other important information. Parents, please make sure that you check and sign their agenda everyday. The Grade 3's need to be responsible in bringing home duotangs for the subject/s that they need to study. 

In Religion, we are done learning about the first lesson and we included in the lesson the importance of prayer in our lives. We have learned the Five Finger Prayer. And since October is the month of the Rosary, as a school community, we are offering our prayers and meditating on the different mysteries of the Holy Rosary. As a class, we are also learning the different prayers included in the Holy Rosary. 

In Spelling, we will be including themed spelling words. Spelling Pre-test is every Monday and the test is Friday. After the Spelling Pre-test, they will be writing down their mistakes 10 times and 5 times during the Spelling Test. This kind of routine will help develop rote memorization.

In Language Arts, we will be learning how to use the dictionary.  We start by practicing our Alphabet Skills like Alphabetical Order. In  Grammar we are learning about Nouns. We are also doing Phonics, the beginning and ending sounds, hard and soft sounds of the letters. Parents, please make sure that they are doing their Reading Log every night. Every Monday students should be submitting their journal notebook. 

In Math, we are continuously focusing on strengthening their mental math skills through a variety of activities in addition, subtraction and other lessons. We will be reviewing Place Values, Reading and Writing numbers, Ordering of Numbers, Skip counting. Soon we will talk about Fact Families. 

In Science, we are continuously learning about the Plants: what is a plant and why it is important. We are now doing the Needs of the Plant and we will be doing a few experiments about the different lessons about plants. 

In Social Studies, we wanted to know Canada more, its provinces, territories, capitals and abbreviations. We are also learning the Canada's national symbols. And the next we are going to learn is Canada's first people. We are going to be learning about Citizenship, their Rights and Responsibilities as a Citizen and so much more. We will also learn the importance of Canada's national anthem and Remembrance Day. 

In French, we are learning the Basic French lessons like French alphabet and its pronunciation, we will also include the days of the week, months, colors, greetings, saying or introducing in French, number and other common French words.  We are spelling and pronouncing the words properly. 

Also, since days are getting colder most especially in the morning, please make sure that they are wearing proper outdoor clothes and please provide extra mittens and socks. 

Thank you very much. 

Dates to Remember: 

October 9 - No School - Thanksgiving Day
October 10 - Early Dismissal 
October 16 - Feast of St. Gerard 
October 20 - Halloween Fun Dance 
October 31 - Halloween Day Wear Orange or Black

Mrs. Francisco


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