March and April
Happy Easter! Happy Spring!
Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!
March was a pretty busy month for the Grade 3s. The Grade 3s are all working so hard especially this term. It is the last term to master everything what we need to learn this year. This month the Grade 3s learned a lot.
April is another busy month for us all. There is so much to do and learn. We also have a learning fair to prepare.
In Religion, we learned about the season of Lent. Lent is the time to look closely at ourselves, our relationships with ourselves, with others and of course with God. We are always asked to be good. We are called to be good, in mind, heart and body. In everything we think, we say and most especially on what we do. We are going to continue learning about Easter and the Church and about Christ love for us all.
In Spelling, they are learning pretty big and challenging words and they are getting better each day.
In Language Arts, they are learning more parts of speech like verbs, and adjectives. As well as syllables and idiomatic expressions.
In Math, they started learning about multiplication strategies like using Repeated Addition, Equal Group, Arrays and Number Lines. They started learning how to tell time. They are learning new things but they are continuously mastering the basic facts in Addition and Subtraction.
In Science, we are almost done with Plants. They studied and learned about Leaves, Flowers and will do Stems and Roots. Soon we will move to Force and Energy and then Magnets.
In Social Studies, I am excited to open a new unit about Early Communities in Canada. We will start learning about the different types of Communities and then we'll move to the six different Indigenous Peoples of Canada. We will learn about their daily life, diet, arts and culture, transportation and clothing. These are just some of the topics we will cover. It is very exciting because they are also going to do a project about it. (Can't tell you yet, you'll know in the learning fair. :) )
In French, they are going to learn about the French body parts.
In Art, they love doing Art projects. This time they are doing a lot of directed drawings. There are instructions. They must follow the directions for them to be able to draw the right picture.
A reminder once again, please make sure that you are checking and signing your child's agenda everyday. This is a great tool for communication between school and home.
If you have any questions or concern about your child, please fell free to write me a note in their agenda or send me an email to
Thank you!
* April 2nd - School Re-opens
* April 9th - Early Dismissal and School Mass
* April 12th - No School In-Service
* April 15th - 19th - Scholastic Book Fair
* April 18th - Social Studies Learning Fair
* April 22nd - 2th - Milk Spirit Week
* April 26th - Family Bingo Night 7:00 p.m.
Mrs. Francisco
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